Our Portfolio
Current Investments
Wattcrop is committed to develop projects in full cooperation with the local communities. We are devoted in preserving the environment and where possible further enhancing biodiversity. Currently we are concentrating our developments in Greece. Below a list of all the project cluster under development at the moment.

Land Leasing
If you are a landowner interested to lease your land for a long period giving you a steady secure income then contact us.
We are developing projects primarily in Greece and the UK, therefore if you have land plots suitable for renewable energy projects don’t hesitate to contact us.
Project Licence Acquisition
If you have a mature licensed renewable energy project or a semi-licensed project and you are interested to sell the project rights please contact us.
If your projects or portfolio is quite progressed but you cannot bring it to completion and financial close due to lack of funding, we are here to discuss. After the necessary Due Diligence, we can transact immediately providing a good return for the initial capital invested.
Finally, if your project is fully licensed but you don’t have a clear route to market either with a tariff or a Power Purchase Agreement we are here to discuss how we can work together.
Strategic Partnerships
If you are a developer or an EPC with a portfolio of projects either in Solar PV or On-shore Wind looking for a strategic partner to drive your portfolio to completion, please contact us to explore ways to work together.

Solar Portfolio Development consisting of 28-31 projects totalling 50+ MWp (DC)
- Land Secured
- Technical & Environmental Reports Completed
- Advanced Licensing Stage
- Grid Applied

Solar Portfolio Development consisting of a number of projects totalling 80+ MWp (DC)
- Applied for production certificate
- Technical Studies and Topographical Surveys completed
- Environmental Impact Assessment submitted

Solar Portfolio Development consisting of a number of projects totalling 54+ MWp (DC).
- Land Secured
- Technical & Environmental Reports Completed
- Advanced Licensing Stage
- Grid applied

Solar Portfolio Development consisting of 2 projects totalling 70 MWp (DC)
- Technical & Environmental Reports Completed
- Advanced Licensing Stage

Solar Portfolio Development consisting of 37 projects totalling 65+ MWp (DC).
- Land Secured
- Technical & Environmental Reports Completed
- Advanced Licensing Stage
- Grid applied

Solar Portfolio Development consisting of 14 projects totalling 13+ MWp (DC).
- Land Secured
- Technical & Environmental Reports Completed
- Advanced Licensing Stage
- Grid applied

Solar Portfolio Development consisting of 1 project totalling 75+ MWp (DC).
- Land Secured
- Technical Studies and Topographical Surveys completed
- Environmental Impact Assessment submitted
- Advanced Licensing Stage

Storage Portfolio Development consisting of one large project totalling 200MW/ 800MWh.
- Land Secured
- Technical Studies and Topographical Surveys completed
- Environmental Impact Assessment submitted
- Advanced Licensing Stage

Solar Portfolio Development consisting of 68 projects totalling 65 MWp (DC)
- Land Secured
- Technical & Environmental Reports Completed
- Advanced Licensing Stage
- Grid applied

Storage portfolio development consisting of one project totaling 100MW/400MWh.
- Land secured
- Technical Report Completed
- Applied for production certificate

Solar Portfolio Development consisting of one project totalling 170+ MWp (DC).
- Applied for production certificate
- Technical Studies and Topographical Surveys completed
- Environmental Impact Assessment submitted
- Advanced Licensing Stage

Solar portfolio development consisting of 2 project totaling 195+ MWp.
- Land secured
- Technical Studies and Topographical Surveys completed
- Environmental Impact Assessment submitted
- Advanced Licensing Stage

Floating solar portfolio development consisting of 1 project totaling 4.93 MWp.
- Land secured
- Technical Studies and Topographical Surveys completed
- Applied for production certificate

Storage portfolio development consisting of one project totaling 82MW/329MWh.
- Land secured
- Applied for production certificate
- Technical Studies and Topographical Surveys completed
- Environmental Impact Assessment submitted

Storage portfolio development consisting of one project totaling 200MW/800MWh.
- Land secured
- Technical Studies and Topographical Surveys completed
- Environmental Impact Assessment submitted
- Advanced Licensing Stage

Storage portfolio development consisting of one project totaling 90.9MW/363MWh.
- Land secured
- Applied for production certificate
- Technical & Environmental Reports Completed
- Advanced Licensing Stage

Storage portfolio development consisting of one project totaling 100MW/400MWh.
- Land secured
- Applied for production certificate
- Technical & Environmental Reports Completed
- Advanced Licensing Stage

Solar portfolio development consisting of one project totaling 46+MW
- Land secured
- Technical Report Completed
- Applied for production certificate

Floating solar portfolio development consisting of one project totaling 4.93 MWp
- Land secured
- Technical & Topographical Reports Completed
- Applied for production certificate

Wind portfolio development consisting of one project totaling 4.5 MWp
- Land secured
- Technical & Topographical Reports Completed
- Applied for production certificate

Wind portfolio development consisting of one project totaling 3 MWp
- Land secured
- Technical & Topographical Reports Completed
- Applied for production certificate

Wind portfolio development consisting of one project totaling 4.5 MWp
- Land secured
- Technical & Topographical Reports Completed
- Applied for production certificate

Wind portfolio development consisting of one project totaling 4.5 MWp
- Land secured
- Technical & Topographical Reports Completed
- Applied for production certificate